Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I stole inspiration
from your throat
took the rhythm
a soft contralto
and swallowed
till your voice
issued from my lips

You have always
been brilliant after 5.00pm
the shifting weight of the day
slid free from your skin
each evening
and left you naked and beautiful
a vessel to release precious
droplets of superb vocalisations
a spreading splash on the page
on my upturned face
a font to fill my eager mouth

I the echo
you the words
meant for evermore

I drink
deeper than I should
fill my swelling belly
till I cannot hold you in anymore
and then

and then

I the echo

you the words
meant for evermore...


burning moon said...


And the continuing coincidences ... 5pm ... the time stated on the vacate premises notice I wrote up, lol.
Funny, I was just thinking today that it was an odd time to put lol

Ashley said...

intrigueing... reminds me of a drink like alcohol... or for me coffee setting my brain on super quick thus being able to create some beautiful works.

Or maybe it could be time.. because after 5pm it gets time to start thinking about bed... thus great ideas come...

lol... i don't know maybe i think too much... but i started to think of alcohol.. wierd huh.

Ashley said...

can you write a poem about tears..?

Chris Never said...

Thankyou Moon *smile*

Interesting indeed, I have no idea why I picked 5.00pm , I thought about it later and wondered why I selected it,
typical *grin*

Chris Never said...

Not sure where the alcohol connection comes into it Kora *smile*, but I find that I have periods of creative energy at differing times of the day, they can last minutes, hours, just depends.

A poem about tears.....yes, I guess so, leave it with me and I will see what I can come up with Kora.

Ashley said...

lol... I left it with you and you did superb.. thank you. I don't know why alcohol popped into my brain it just did...lol... Oooh i so recomend Arbor Mist: Blackberry...it is really good... and if your not old enough maybe on a later date.