Wednesday, August 02, 2006


It's fading away

the early warning
of another grey morning
lost within
the scent of your breath

Someone is crying
a soft falling
making the day
blur and shift

Life is painstaking

a watercolour

warped by the sun
then left to run
in the rain

Tears for wishes
each one shed
another promise
spoken and broken
in the same breath

I will paint you
in turquoise and green
a woman
woven of tears
free to leave
but bound to stay
by sadness and a lack of solutions

I have kissed you

tasted the rain
wet leaves
muddy ground
beneath me

and though you remain

a canvas painted in clear water

I see you within the colours not seen
a silhouette
beckoning still
beckoning till
I join you in tears.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

How pretty.. thank you for writing a poem about tears for me. It was really pretty.