Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I can accept irrelevance now

Depthless shadows

dapple and strike

beaming dark

through the canopy

of cypress above


the scent of pine

assails senses.

You have arrived early

softly softly

your body

wrapped in the past

then oiled to gleam with

tears carefully gathered

from other years.

I never thought

naked could weep

Yet here

beneath time

you create rivers of yesterday

fingers unadorned

releasing fresh water fish

eels coil and writhe

to life,

zithering mayflies

dart and die

on the white sand banks

And when you finally speak

I am buffeted

finch's wing

beating gently against

and within

For now I know

for you have told me

I am but a thread

on the tapestry of Man.


burning moon said...

beautiful nature poem. Full of the sounds and scents. Lovely work.

Chris Never said...

Thankyou Moon *soft smile*

I have always liked this poem

glad you do too