Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Fading Man.

And when we both knew

that farewell was not optional

I finally saw the cracks

A mosaic
painstakingly glued
together over the years

Glaze splitting
tiles tilting into the sea of tears
you hid behind your back
where I could not see them.

You became
a wall fallen
in ancient Babylon
the base relief
still visible beneath dust
and sand
and an empty handed beggars cry

You become
the trail I followed
shards and sanscrit
spread upon the gasping land
each step bringing us closer
to conclusion

We wept
and the sky replied in kind

and it was good.


Bridget M. said...

You write beautifully. I'm a huge fan.

Chris Never said...

Hi Bridget, thankyou so much *smile*,
nice to hear from you, Im glad you enjoy my rambling

burning moon said...

Do you know, this could ALMOST be about Moses. I'm not sure whether it was the word 'mosaic' in the beginning that sort of led my mind in that direction, but i found myself sort of reading him into it, with the sea and stuff.