Monday, December 03, 2007


Blink neonic dreams
the blue
reflects off tears

I see you in desperation
the adrenalin kiss thrust
where eyes tick left right
in rapid successions

Pulsing with guitar echo's
a low scream building
beneath the flesh
enticing vanilla ice cream smiles

We trade in-a-whiles
our carefully nurtured nonchalance
a plastic cling wrap mirror
of deeper seasons
and all the reasons
we do not say anything

The humming of stand by
fever pitch

till your skin itches
hair erects
and time collects
in the calluses on our palms.

I see you
in inclinations

the way you recline naked
steeped in a chardonnay smiles
languid layers of complexities
curling wild vines across your flesh.

And we

will never be

or be enough.


burning moon said...

can I ask ... is this a recent poem? It seems like an earlier style for you.

Chris Never said...

Recent indeed, as in today, straight from brain to the page

And you are correct, it is in the "old style"

I like to do that sometimes, revert and let it go, I show a lot of restraint these days, but sometimes, it is ok I think to just flow it out like I once did, and let the wandering words go where they will.

Of course, the price of that is, it isnt as tight, or structured as it should be *soft smile*

it does feel good to let go sometimes.

burning moon said...

yep. I like that very much. It's good for the soul, and a yummy feeling when you're doing it. Tightening comes much later for me.

I love the choice of words in this. some very original stuff. very you, lol.