Thursday, March 22, 2007

Foot note to Wildflower paths

Far be it from me to put the general public in danger

This was posted as a reply to Wildflower paths on a website I post at

It should come with a warning though: Foxglove is Digitalis, a powerful heart stimulant, and can be very dangerous. Even handling the leaves can cause and elevated pulse and shortness of breath.

I am almost postive I was not promoting the concept of smearing fox glove onto your hands and wearing it like a glove.. well maybe I was, BUT NOT FOR REAL LADIES AND GENTLEMEN
that would be silly wouldnt it, because , it might kill you *rolls eyes*

I also suggest you dont cornflower your skin
or put eyesbright into your eyes
and hopefully, no one will step into our foot prints after
we have moved on, lest you get forgetmenot on your feet



burning moon said...

lolololololol OMG

I can't even think of anything to say to that *rolls eyes* I sooo love those sort of comments, lol

Chris Never said...

Yes, it brought me such great pleasure *laughs*

I was flabbergasted, I told him I would be sure to put a warning on the poem if I ever posted it again lol