A billion minds linked
through the blinkofaneye
Sitting before the glowing screen
we examine isolation from the inside
the way it seduces us
the way it entices us
Type your words
spill your shame
its all repeated on the next page
Blog follows blog
in an endless trail of shared uniqueness
A million million screams of individuality
all much the same
very good. I like the brevity and the dry tone. It suits the topic very well.
This is a bit different for you. I probably wouldn't have picked it as yours if it hadn't been here.
Hey Moon
Yeah, I wouldnt of picked it as mine either actually.This blogging thing is weird, Ive never felt so isolated as I do at the moment.
I know what you mean ... it's very loneleeee out here.
didnt use to feel like that, there was always the swirl of the forums , very alive places, but not so much anymore I find, they have diminished since the advent of these blogs.
Which maybe goes to show, that poetry forums were merely the place people went to spit out their emotions a lot of the time,rather than serious poetry, and now , blogs fill that need.
its is a passing of sorts though....
Yes, a lonely collective we are - true and haunting poem.
Hello Julia, nice to hear from you, yes, a lonely collective, what an apt description of how it seems. Thankyou for that.
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