Friday, July 21, 2006

Anarchy for the Middle Ages

Not the colorful lute playing
with the plague and rats
centre to all conversations
large amounts of filth in the streets
and a monarch to die for
all power and no responsibility

I'm talking bending spine
lying supine for extended periods
middle age.

And what will
my anarchic credo be you ask?

Good question
glad you asked

I will smear my white collar
with the blood of disruption

disruption doesn't have blood
I don't care
this is anarchy
go with me

Yes but....

See this is always the problem

everyone tries to reason with me

how the hell can you reason with anarchy???

By its nature
it is chaotic and not at all
given to listening to common sense

where was I?

I will burn down the churches

well....not all of them obviously
only the really annoying ones
you know the kind
with the smiling young people
rocking along
to Holy Rock Revival music
their mindless happiness
like a spike through the eye
of the discerning middle aged anarchist

And I will wait till they have gone home OK?
taking their smug superiority with them

I will slaughter the opponents of change



this anarchy shit is actually rather violent
when you think about it.

I will rethink
perhaps a meeting?

just to sort out the rough edges?



Ashley said...

I am a happy person who loves to smile, but i don't think i am better than everybody else. I am also slightly anarchist but not burning stuff or hurting people but i think if that people would govern themselves instead of have people get all big over them we could probably well off. But no matter how you look at it, or which way we go there is always going to be chaos...

Chris Never said...

Chaos in and of itself is not always a bad thing Kora, Chaos can bring change, sometimes good , sometimes bad.

Ashley said...

Yes i know but at the moment it is a slight pain in the ***. People in St. Louis are going crazy without their electricity and i think they are being dumb. This goes to show how dependent we all are on electricity. Think if we were suddenly thrown into the old times without any warning and couldn't escape people would just have to function. It is so chaotic. I was without power and i can say i enjoyed it. I began working on some projects i hadn't worked on in a very long time.

Chris Never said...

Im talking more of a politcal upheaval kind of chaos I guess Kora, rather than a physical enviroment type of chaos. Not chaos for chaos sake , but chaos with a purpose behind it, such as revolution *smile*

Ashley said...
