Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I do not.

Tearing strips off the day

We peel away layers of light
expose it for the veneer it is

I do not have the answers

Together we watch separation
how it divides
and multiplies dissatisfaction

Your fear
an undercurrent
drawing me down
into you

I am not helpless
I could swim
if I thought staying above
the waterline would help

I do not have the questions

We bite down into the soft pulp of night

the taste of blind belief

We eat our way through
midnights sweet nectars
sated on the juice of
no face
nor sound
nor name

I do not have....


burning moon said...

this is very good. 'soft pulp of night' mmm nice

Sandy said...

Chris, you are magical with metaphors. I also love the line about biting into the pulp of night..wow!

Chris Never said...

soft pulp of night'

My favorite line also, and I didnt pinch it off anyone else, its all my own brains artistry *grin*

Thanks Moon

Hiya Sandy, nice to hear from you, hope life is treating you well *smile*