Friday, June 09, 2006

I wonder where

your writing now

Alone but
encircled by the agitated
mewling of a tabby cat
insatiable hunger
a fur whirlwind
winding up your legs
to purr throb in
the crook of your arms.

Your gaze
slipping easily between
new curtains
and the rotting windowsill
paint peeling to reveal
the secret of timber
in raw perfection

Seek the breeze kid
a caress
barely registers
when it comes
on the gust of change

I wonder why

your writing now

The how of course
a honed pencil
cleaving grey lead creases
of stunning imagery
neatly pleated through
colored light
and sharply defined sound

But why?

the reasons are
caught in your throat
forced back down
to circulate a little longer

You will covet
the title
for a time
till the urge to speak
graces those lips once again

And then your voice
will rebound from the cloud
shrouded Mountains
echoing longing
and a half remembered song
strummed within
and then left to resonate
against the sleekness
of rebirth
you wear
braided into your hair.

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