Thursday, November 22, 2012

Sunset Song

The days of sunset songs
we thought
long past

the splash of late afternoon
dappling your skin 
in rust shadows 
a stripe of light
running tall fingers
dipped in dust motes
upon your breast  

You speak

portals open
alternative universes
starscapes beckon
and seduce
in searing
star death
in boiling suns
and reverent hommage
to utterance

I fall
into your voice
a seeker 
a believer
a truth you never released
never gave up on
or sold out 
to the soulless ones

A vibration 
strumming upon
your tongue 
playing the sunset song 
in all its dreadful aching 
desperate perfection 
and I
the echo
the memory of sound
barely heard

to you




burning moon said...

Hi there, long time no see/read. Man it's been a hard time here in Chch. Still nothing here resembles normality. Only nature, with the relentless turn of seasons, remains unaffected and offers some slight assurance that things might one day return to something like what they were.
I love the sci-fi elements in this poem (right up my alley :)). This strophe:

A vibration
strumming upon
your tongue
playing the sunset song
in all its dreadful aching
desperate perfection
and I
the echo
the memory of sound
barely heard

is especially beautiful.

Chris Never said...

Hello Stranger !!! *BIG HUG*

It has been a very long time, I kinda thought you might have moved on *smile*, really glad to see your post.

I cannot imagine the aftermath of such an event my friend, once the media stops feeding on the story,no more information is forth coming , but the rebuilding of a city would take, I would imagine, years, and the mental and physical scars, even longer.

I can only hope nature will leave you all alone, to rebuild or move on as you wish, in peace

Always around if you need an ear mate :)