Tuesday, December 14, 2010

What the hell is it with this time of year?

Christmas comes

sleek shadowed fur
barely seen through the foliage

Pads lightly towards us
leaves no imprints
or spore to find

A leap
a scream
the patter of blood

We will count the cost
as another among us
disappears into the maw


burning moon said...

lol, I know!

But you can hardly claim that it sneaks up on you. You have a whole year when you know it's coming :D

I hear so many people who are just over it. I wonder whether we'll ever get to where we just don't bother to celebrate it any more?

I have worked every Christmas day for nearly 20 years now, so for me it's just another day, made slightly more stressful by trying to squeeze in the expected family things as well as my usual work.

Anyway, I hope you and your family have a lovely Christmas. Hopefully not too stressful for you all. :) Merry Christmas :)

Chris Never said...

And a very Merry Christmas to you also mate *smiles*

Be safe, be well, look after that poetic soul of yours, it is important to the world to have people like you in it *hugs*

I will talk to you in the New *smile*