Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Selected snippets of poems
that never became
for one reason
or another


This is not a poem,

for there is no poetry

in burgeoning absentia


We descended, through strata,

layers of earth,
each step
taking us closer
and farther away
than ever we had dreamed.


I don't know what I preferred

the days when you
could see the sun
right through me

or the way
your eyes
slide off my skin
unable to find purchase
on the surface.


There is a child crying outside
the wail
knocking finches
from the dying branches of the
old elm in our yard.


makes us feel
makes our blood move


Fill my eyes
with razors
how vision
through a haze
of blood


Expectation sweat

smells sweet


There was no flourish
when you went

just the change
from presence to absence

a shift in the air

a removal of near

And when you came
there was jasmine
and spices
there was exotic music



You always said

there was something pure about hate

The way it would arc

and spark between us

a tesla coil writhing

in blue witch-fire agitations


You have wound
a reminder of loss
around my finger


burning moon said...

There is a child crying outside
the wail rises
knocking finches
from the dying branches
of the old elm in our yard.

This is the weight of a child's cry,
heavier than a finch.
Harder than bird song
it scalps the trees
and drives birds to flight.

Why then
am I so afraid
that someone will come and silence it.

burning moon said...

mmm. sorry, pinched one of your snippets.

There's a big trial on over here at the moment for a small child, Nia Glassie, whose family killed her by various means of abuse and neglect. They hung her from a clothesline and put her in a dryer for God's sakes!
Now during the trial, all are denying any responsibility. It makes my blood boil.
Someone must be held responsible for that child dying. IMO I would hold the entire family responsible. All of them should stand up and say, I should have taken steps to care for and protect that child, I did nothing, and therefore I share responsibility for her death.

Chris Never said...

You are welcome to any and all of my snippets kid *smile*

that is actually a damn fine poem

I have heard something about the child you mention, it made news over here also.

Child abuse is rampant in western society, and for the life of me, I cannot understand why

They are precious,
they are defenseless
and they are our sacred responsibility to protect

I assume in the family history, there will be abuse in the past of the mother and father etc

but I never understood how someone can use this as an excuse for perpetrating violence on their own children,it just doesn't make any sense to me, it never will.

burning moon said...

it really doesn't make sense at all.

Thanks for not minding. I will, of course, include your name with it if I send it anywhere.

Kate said...

Number three talks to me.