Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Tears for Rain

I remember when Rain came

Imbued with clarity
Rain fell
a spatter of unexpected

to widen eyes
blink away yesterday.

Rain has

diluted me

a hint of color
in an otherwise
pristine pool

Rain has forsaken

a profusion of days
washing away
exposing obscurity
forcing me
to look hard
at who and what
I have become.

Rain offers no respite
no light at the end of the tunnel
no warmth to wrap around

Only the sound
of small feet
dancing across the roof tiles

the dripping
as a leaf is struck

the driving impetus
of sheeting water
pounding the earth
feeding the soil.

Rain caressed
the upturned faces
each in turn
and left her mark
upon us all

Within the flux
without the flow
I found her
lost her
let her go.

She brought
the shadow storms

or mornings soft refrain

and here
beneath the weeping elm

I waste no
tears for Rain.


burning moon said...

nice work. who is Rain?

Chris Never said...

Its been raining here all week, that hasn't happened in about two thousand years kid, rain is rain


burning moon said...

wow! amazing. It must be really nice for you guys to get some serious rain. Everything will get green for a little while. Green is something I really missed over there.

I thought because you had capitalized Rain that maybe it was a person as well as actual rain. :)
Probably because I am devious and sneaky with my poems I think everyone else is too.