Sunday, December 10, 2006

Seems C.E has taken our communications line away

If you drop by and see this by chance

Just wishing you a very Merry mate *smile*

Ive been run ragged
and I'm limping over the finish line
like a half dead fish flopping onto the beach

You will keep yourself safe,
this is an order, not a request lol

I wish you and your family all the best for the New Year

2007 is going to be better than the rest
and nothing less :)

Take a moment here and there to enjoy the air
over the holliday season,
don't work too hard

You have finally graduated
and that is quite a mile stone

I am still well pleased for you
it just
makes me smile

I will catch up with you in the new Year kid



burning moon said...

There's an old myth
which says that dragons
have treasure piled up
deep in caves,
stolen from kings,
and lost in battle.

They say that people with golden eyes
were dragons once
long ago,

and somewhere beyond
the pink line of the ocean
where the sun subsides
there's a beach
of palest silver

where your footprints have survived the tides
and lead me on a treasured pathway
to where you sit
beneath a rowan tree,

my dragon's hoard,
my precious one.

Forgive me this indulgence.
I know your cheeks are rosy now,
but sometimes things we value
impel us to give voice.

Merry Christmas bunny XX

Chris Never said...

Roey cheeked and speechless Moon

thankyou for this beautiful poem

Love dragons *smile*