Thursday, December 18, 2008

A blaze of fire rimmed rain
falls gently to the ground

Small stalks of grass catch light
one beside the next
till a ring of little fire is created.

Wavering rainbow surge
the wind picks up particles
of person and places them
carefully one atop the next
till I am here
ringed in light
in plain sight

To all
For all

From me

Merry Christmas

Take very good care of you and yours

from me and mine

I will be back in the New Year

Tuesday, December 09, 2008


She blends
with polished boards
runs with the grain
weaves in and out
of color
a hardwood
sanded smooth
softened by lacquer

I'm superimposed
on the weeping vine

of bone
winds within the green shadows

by her laced fingers

as they track
along branch
and leaf