Thursday, June 12, 2008

Explorations of self.

seeps into bones
a grey blood infusion
giving the street scape the illusion
of grainy black on white depth

Life becomes
a dog-eared photograph
pinched smile
and rumpled disposition
faces blurring
slurred days.

Every direction
stretches away into mumbled contrition's
a complex series of retreats
littering pathways with
slow burning wreckage of
smoldering oily black disappointment

Our mantra of self empowerment

Take hold
a grip of steely resolve
clenching tight around refusal

is staring at the roof at 3.00am
the sound of sleep
washing over you
but leaving you
cold wet and drowning.

We writhe
to the pulse of us
a spastic dance
to the strains of a single
rhythmic beat
articulating improbabilities
in teeth clenched terrors

Curl fetal
around the nut hardened kernel
of self

A stripped bare sun
cinders and ashen faced

Yin and Yang
the unity of opposites
rests uneasy within
the warmth of seeking flesh

An orb of understanding
pressed close
beyond reach

We have seen
the truth
how it hooks into flesh
and tears apart carefully
layered opalescent nacre

A shell of self
wrapped around wounds
we tried to hide.


burning moon said...

brrr, that's a chilly picture!

I love this:

Yin and Yang
the unity of opposites
rests uneasy within
the warmth of seeking flesh

Chris Never said...

Chilly indeed

I am in a chilly place atm lol.

Thanks kid